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Terms of Use

Introductory Provisions

The owner and operator of the website www.aeroterm.cz is Aeroterm, a.s., with its registered office at Střádalů 43, 718 00 Ostrava, registered in the Commercial Register of the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section B, Entry 2316, ID: 25855123 (hereinafter referred to as “Operator”).

The Operator hereby issues the Terms of Use for the website (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms”). These Terms apply to any person (hereinafter referred to as the “User”) who intends to use or use the Operator’s website. The use is free of charge and is governed by these Terms.

How to Use the Website

The User undertakes to comply with the Czech Republic and EU law, good manners and these Terms when using the www.aeroterm.cz website and will not in any way damage the good name of the Operator or other Users. In particular, the User undertakes not to:

  • interfere with safety, change technical parameters or content of www.aeroterm.cz or otherwise misuse them
  • interfere with the use of this site by other users
  • use the site for sending chain or unsolicited messages
  • send messages containing viruses or any dangerous or harmful programs to this site
  • create fake messages to spoof the identity of the sender or attempt to break into other users’ accounts
  • attempt to gain access to those parts of www.aeroterm.cz that are excluded from public use
  • disseminate on this website reports or materials that violate the laws of the Czech Republic and European Union

Limitation of Liability and Accuracy of Information

The content of the website www.aeroterm.cz has only informative and non-binding character. The operator does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information on this website. The publication of any data and information on this website, with the exception of these Terms, is not a legal act leading to the establishment of a legal relationship between the operator and the user, unless expressly stated otherwise in individual cases. The Operator may change the information on this website at any time without prior notice.

The Operator is not responsible for any possible damages that may occur to users in connection with the use of the website www.aeroterm.cz.

Privacy and Data Protection

Access to this website or some of the services provided by the operator on this website may be subject, in whole or in part, to the provision of certain personal data of the user within the meaning of the applicable legislation, with the consent of the user or other legal basis. For information about processing your personal information, please see our Privacy Policy.

External Links

The Operator’s website may contain external links to other websites over which the Operator has no control. Keep in mind, therefore, that the Operator does not control or influence the content of such websites and is not responsible for ensuring the privacy of these other websites. Similarly, the Operator assumes no responsibility for the website through which you access the Operator’s website and which belongs to a third party.

Final Provisions

Only the Operator is entitled to change or amend the Terms. The User acknowledges and agrees with the above information. The Terms of Use of the website are effective as of the date of their publication. These Terms were published on March 1, 2020.