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Uviterm 1100 UV Dryer

UV dryer for sheet offset presses up to B1 paper size…

  • 2 rows of UV lamps
  • irradiated width 1040mm
  • lamp power switchable 0/60/120 W/cm2
  • special heat filters to reduce the thermal load on products
  • air-cooled lamps, ozone air extraction
  • UV Stop System option for energy saving
  • cooling of passing products
  • optional automatic stacker, IR preheating

UV dryer designed for curing UV varnishes and UV inks behind various types of sheet offset machines. The device consists of a conveyor with a curing chamber and alternatively an automatic stacker. The arrangement of the UV radiation source in the curing chamber and the construction of reflective mirrors made of a special, high-quality material with increased reflectivity in the UV region give enough UV energy over the entire width of the conveyor belt. The UV curing chamber with separate switching on of each UV lamp and switching of the power output of each of them in two stages allows to adapt the curing conditions to different printing parameters.

The overall thermal influence of the printed objects is reduced by air cooling zone, and in the UV curing versions by high-quality heat filters. A combination of squirrel cage motor and the frequency invertor for precise velocity control and maintenence-free operation. The belt speed can be changed continuously, actual value in meters per minute is indicated on the display. The transport of the printed sheets is provided by a highly mechanically resistant Teflon-coated fiberglass conveyor on which the printed sheets are held aerodynamically, so they are not damaged even at high rates of passage through the curing chamber. Extraction of ozone air produced by UV sources included. The specially designed UV chamber design minimizes the risk of exposure to UV radiation.

The whole device is mobile on its own wheels, allowing it to be operatively delivered for various printing machines. Part of the dryer is a special height-adjustable conveyor for safe automatic intake of printed sheets from the delivery system of the offset machine. The dryer can be supplied with or without a stacker. The stacker version is equipped with an automatic sheet stacker with synchronized movement of the front and side sheet braces and an automatic lowering of the stack depending on its height. The equipment uses the highest quality parts from world-renowned producers. Noise insulation, top function, simple operation. The dryer is designed and manufactured to comply with EU regulations and standards and is equipped with a CE declaration.

In 2001, this dryer was awarded the GOLDEN EMBAX-PRINT prize at the EMBAX-PRINT International Printing Exhibition.

Parameters/TypeUviterm OB1100 ASNV
Offset Machine Pilehigh
UsageUV links/varnishes curing
Belt Width [mm]1 100
Irradiated Width [mm]1 040
Length behind Offset Press4600 mm to 5600 mm according to the disposition
Dryer Width [mm]1 600
Dryer Height [mm]1 800
Belt Speed [m/min]15-90
UV Lamp Rows2
UV Lamps in a Row3
Linear UV Lamp Power [W/cm]2x 60/120
Heat Filtersincluded
Min. Stacking Paper Weight [g/m2]130
Installed Power [kW]32,5
Electric Supply3 N PE 400 V

UV Integrator

Measurement of UV lamp parameters for wear detection and timely replacement.

UV Lamps

Spare UV lamps for Aeroterm and third party machines. High quality, long lifetime.

UV Stop System

Automatic UV lamp power control according to product presence. Significant energy savings.

Ozone Filter

Filtration of ozone air from the exhaust of UV equipment. Help with heating in the winter months.

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