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Miniterm UV Tabletop Dryer

Compact UV Dryer for small items and laboratory use…

  • 1- 2 UV lamp rows
  • irradiated width 160mm
  • UV lamp power switchable 0/60/120 W/cm2
  • special heat filters to reduce the thermal load on products
  • air-cooled lamps, ozone air extraction
  • UV Stop System energy saving option
  • cooling of products

Compact tabletop UV dryer with new original design and top parameters. The design and layout of each UV module gives enough UV energy along its entire length while significantly suppressing the heat affecting the workpieces.

The UV lamp reflector is made of a special material with increased UV reflectivity. The overall thermal impact of the printed objects is reduced by high-quality heat filters and air cooling. UV lamp(s) with linear power of 120 W/cm and with the possibility of switching between full and half power. Aerodynamic holding of printed materials on the conveyor belt, ozone air extraction by a separate extraction system.

Adjustable conveyor speed, a highly durable Teflon-coated glass fiber transport belt. A combination of squirrel cage motor and the frequency invertor for precise velocity control and maintenence-free operation. The belt speed can be changed continuously, actual value in meters per minute is indicated on the display. Minifan ozone extraction system included. In terms of construction, operation and safety, the device complies with all relevant regulations and standards of the EU countries and is CE marked.

Parameters/TypeMINITERM UV 250f Mf SuperMINITERM UV 250f (2x120t) Mf
Belt Width250 mm250 mm
Irradiated Width160 mm160 mm
Max. Product Height100 mm100 mm
Conveyor Speed2,5 – 15 m/min2,5 – 15 m/min
Linear UV Powerswitchable 60/120 W/cmswitchable 2x 60/120 W/cm
Dryer Dimensions (l x w x h)1200x450x500 mm2000x450x500 mm
Installed Power2400 W5100 W
Electric Supply1 N PE 230 V3 N PE 400 V

Compact tabletop UV dryer with new original design and top parameters. The design and layout of each UV module gives enough UV energy along its entire length while significantly suppressing the heat affecting the workpieces.

The UV lamp reflector is made of a special material with increased UV reflectivity. The overall thermal impact of the printed objects is reduced by high-quality heat filters and air cooling. UV lamp(s) with linear power of 120 W/cm and with the possibility of switching between full and half power. Aerodynamic holding of printed materials on the conveyor belt, ozone air extraction by a separate extraction system.

Adjustable conveyor speed, a highly durable Teflon-coated glass fiber transport belt. A combination of squirrel cage motor and the frequency invertor for precise velocity control and maintenence-free operation. The belt speed can be changed continuously, actual value in meters per minute is indicated on the display. Minifan ozone extraction system included. In terms of construction, operation and safety, the device complies with all relevant regulations and standards of the EU countries and is CE marked.

Parameters/TypeMINITERM UV 250f Mf Super
Belt Width250 mm
Irradiated Width160 mm
Max. Product Height100 mm
Conveyor Speed2,5 – 15 m/min
Linear UV Powerswitchable 60/120 W/cm
Dryer Dimensions (l x w x h)1200x450x500 mm
Installed Power2400 W
Electric Supply1 N PE 230 V
Parameters/TypeMINITERM UV 250f (2x120t) Mf
Belt Width250 mm
Irradiated Width160 mm
Max. Product Height100 mm
Conveyor Speed2,5 – 15 m/min
Linear UV Powerswitchable 2x 60/120 W/cm
Dryer Dimensions (l x w x h)2000x450x500 mm
Installed Power5100 W
Electric Supply3 N PE 400 V

UV Integrátor

Měření parametrů UV lamp pro zjištění jejich opotřebení a včasnou výměnu.

UV lampy

Náhradní UV lampy do zařízení Aeroterm i jiných výrobců. Vysoká kvalita, dlouhá životnost.

UV stop systém

Automatická regulace výkonu UV lamp dle projíždějících výrobků. Výrazná úspora energie.

Ozónový filtr

Filtrace ozónového vzduchu z odtahu UV zařízení. Pomoc při vytápění v zimních měsících.

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